...wishing you a warm, loving, safe and healthy holiday celebration, spending it just as you would design.... Should this time find you in circumstances not quite as you would have "scripted", may you be able to make the best out of it and memorable anyway....
If you aren't able to be with family for any number of reasons this year (as is the case for Paul and I), I hope you can reflect on your many blessings -- perhaps consider donating time with others who may be especially lonely - perhaps in assisted living, nursing homes or hospitals. Maybe consider dropping by a local food bank and offering to fill in for a volunteer there to give them a treat... I've found that it helps to reach out to others. When you can see the light in their eyes that you know you helped to put there, it can make your day the best ever so far!
If you're looking for last-minute, healthy menu ideas, you'll find them in the SEASONAL section!
I'm spending this holiday counting blessings, enjoying special meal with Paul - perhaps out on deck, it'll be that warm! We plan to take a long walk and appreciate this lovely place we are grateful to call home. Also, I'll be reviewing notes to build content in this brand new blog and for my upcoming book on organic cooking on a shoestring. I hope what I'm doing here is of help and interest to you!
Thank you for visiting - please consider joining by clicking on FOLLOW if you haven't already.
See you Friday!
............................................ Here, we return to Mother Nature to feed and heal us, where there is a natural order of all things...
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Behind the scenes....
...building a new page that will host a variety of short, related news clips that I hope you will find timely and useful!
for example:
"The best natural treatment for crows feet lines around eyes: Vitamin C cream"
and natural ways to prevent colds and flu this season and to shorten the span you feel icky if you do come under the influence....
more to come - please come back soon...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Take Action - Safeguard Organic Standards by Nov. 30th
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Photo by Christine Zipps |
Action Alert: Protect Organics from Synthetic Additives and Factory Farms
This just in from cornucopia.org --
The organic label was founded on the idea that food should be produced in concert with nature, without dangerous chemicals and synthetic ingredients. Another organic value: animals should be raised on real farms that treat them with respect, not exploited on “factory farms."
Since the government began regulating the organic label, corporate agribusinesses and their lobbyists have been doing everything in their power to co-opt the values the organic movement was founded upon while taking a larger slice of the profit pie.
We were promised change under the Obama administration, but the corrupt alliance between the USDA and corporate agribusiness remains strong with wholesale approval of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) while federal officials look the other way as the organic law continues to be compromised.
At their upcoming meeting, the USDA’s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) has the opportunity to close loopholes and strengthen the regulations, but a handful of corporate sector Board members are attempting to do the exact opposite: watering down the standards.
Corporate lobbyists will be at the NOSB meeting at the end of November – and so will we, to counter their claims and make sure your voice, supporting organic integrity, is heard.
Please take a moment to print, sign and mail the
PROXY LETTER with these requests:
- Enforce the organic standards on factory dairies masquerading as “organic.”
Since the adoption of the new pasture rule, the USDA has made no effort to systematically visit and inspect the two dozen or so giant factory farms—with up to 9,000 cows each—producing “organic” milk, generally in the desert Southwest, to ensure compliance.
Giant corporate dairies continue to squeeze family farmers, and deceive consumers. We need enforcement action NOW. These industrial-scale dairies have a history of scoffing at the law and deserve scrutiny! - Genetically modified microorganisms that are chemically processed and stabilized with synthetic ingredients have no place in organics – especially organic infant formula, baby food and milk.
USDA officials admitted in 2010 that their predecessors incorrectly allowed Martek Biosciences Corporation’s unapproved (therefore illegal) synthetic nutrient additives (DHA oil and ARA oil—from fermented algae and soil fungus) in organic foods.
Yet the Obama administration has refused to take enforcement action and remove the offending illegal ingredients from organic foods.
After a friendly meeting with the USDA, Martek Biosciences Corporation petitioned regulators for approval of their chemically processed, synthetic nutrient additives in organic food. Their corporate friends and the Organic Trade Association (OTA) have joined in lobbying the USDA to approve these materials.
Join us in urging the USDA to close the door on the future use of novel, unproven synthetic additives in organics and for their immediate removal from existing products. - Stand up for meaningful outdoor access in organic egg, chicken, turkey & hog production.
Another incorrect interpretation made under the Bush administration (and now acknowledged under the Obama administration) was to allow giant henhouses to confine up to 100,000 birds in a single building without access to the outdoors (as the law requires).
The NOSB is currently considering new rules to eliminate these atrocities. But instead of recommending a reasonable amount of outdoor space for chickens, they are proposing an outdoor space requirement that doesn’t even give the birds enough room to spread their wings, let alone run around, dustbathe and forage for seeds and insects in the outdoors.
As for pigs, the NOSB’s woefully inadequate space proposal resembles recommendations by the National Pork Board, the industry lobby group representing factory farmers! - We also request the USDA to stop stacking the National Organic Standards Board with agribusiness representatives instead of truly experienced, independent and respected voices from the organic community. Farmer slots and consumers slots, as mandated by Congress, should go to real organic farmers and organic consumers, not corporate reps.
But you need to make your voice heard to counter the powerful corporate influence.
When we attend these USDA organic meetings, we are badly outgunned by corporate lobbyists—our power comes from the organic community and the good food movement standing together.
Please take a moment to print, sign, and mail back the proxy letter—today!
We will hand-carry your proxy to the USDA fall meeting, adding your voice to the demand that laws covering organics be enforced!
-----Pleased to share this with you today on behalf of the great folks at cornucopia.org. Thanks for joining me in doing our part to make a difference....
To our health,
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Please help stop the "Secret" Farm Bill - our action is needed....
Will be sharing more on this soon, but there's lots of important information through this link along with a petition to sign to make a difference to keep additives and factory farms out of our food supply and process....
CLICK here for Farm Bill News
Thank you for your time and consideration - this affects us all -- our very right to PURE food!
To our health,
CLICK here for Farm Bill News
Thank you for your time and consideration - this affects us all -- our very right to PURE food!
To our health,
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Oil Pulling Therapy - Is it the "miracle cure" it's touted to be?
This rather strange sounding protocol therapy with hundreds of positive testimonials attached to it, was shared with me just last night by a friend. She has been doing it for two days and has seen positive results already. I plan to start it soon for specific help with some dental issues and am eager to see if it works for me.
Asthma, arthritis, migraine headaches, bleeding gums, tooth decay, detoxifier, etc., are just a few common ailments that have been attributed to having been healed through this process. I've already been researching this and will continue to learn more before beginning this process. For example, I understand that there's need to do a heavy-metal cleanse if you have amalgam fillings or metal crowns first so I want to understand more about this first. My first reaction to it was that it sounded wierd and too good to be true, but the more I learn, the more it makes sense that the mouth, a center of so much bacteria but connected to all areas of the body with nerve endings capable of delivering good and bad treatments could be a logical place to effect positive change through this simple, inexpensive, natural method.
However, I'm so excited by this, I'm eager to share a link to a video (first of four in this series) by Dr. Bruce Fife who has written a book on this topic after lots of research in case you would like to check more into this as well for yourself.
Link to video clip with Dr. Bruce Fife about Oil Pulling Therapy
If you have experience with this or plan to try it yourself, would love to hear from you - simply post a comment to this post. I plan to share my results along with additional information on this blog soon as well.
To our health,
Asthma, arthritis, migraine headaches, bleeding gums, tooth decay, detoxifier, etc., are just a few common ailments that have been attributed to having been healed through this process. I've already been researching this and will continue to learn more before beginning this process. For example, I understand that there's need to do a heavy-metal cleanse if you have amalgam fillings or metal crowns first so I want to understand more about this first. My first reaction to it was that it sounded wierd and too good to be true, but the more I learn, the more it makes sense that the mouth, a center of so much bacteria but connected to all areas of the body with nerve endings capable of delivering good and bad treatments could be a logical place to effect positive change through this simple, inexpensive, natural method.
However, I'm so excited by this, I'm eager to share a link to a video (first of four in this series) by Dr. Bruce Fife who has written a book on this topic after lots of research in case you would like to check more into this as well for yourself.
Link to video clip with Dr. Bruce Fife about Oil Pulling Therapy
If you have experience with this or plan to try it yourself, would love to hear from you - simply post a comment to this post. I plan to share my results along with additional information on this blog soon as well.
To our health,
Friday, November 18, 2011
Turkey Consumers - Beware of the Turkey Terrors.....
This just in - excellent and informative article by Talia Fuhrman --
"Truth About That Thanksgiving Day Bird"
"Truth About That Thanksgiving Day Bird"
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Working on New Book -- "Awesome Organic/Non-GMO Meals on a Budget!"
Thanks to a recent visitor, Dawn from NH, an idea was born for a new book -- it will likely be part of my "11 Steps to...." series as in the first or DEBUT book...
Dawn shared the many ways she strives to keep her family healthy and free from the contaminants currently found in our food supply including (but sadly, not limited to): anitibiotics, hormones, pesticides, genetically modified organisms, etc... but feels that the price of organic food keeps her having to make choices. She will select foods that are minimally processed to make the food dollar stretch further...
That got me to thinking again -- it's just not fair that we Americans should have to pay more for PURE food! Shouldn't this be a basic right? There're just so many reasons including lobby group efforts and subsidies behind the scenes that attempt to guide our food choices not to mention "Beef: It's What's For Dinner" media and don't even get me started on the "Ask your doctor about...." TV ads but I digress...
I did a little scouting about in my notes and through more resources and am finding lots of ways we can purchase the GOOD foods, plan yummy meals that come together easily and hold plenty of micronutrients that protect us against disease. Not just the immune system boosting goodies that help keep colds and flu at bay, but contribute to helping us prevent/reverse disease including many cancers...
I'm going to plan this book around a budget for a family of four and will begin price shopping and recipe creating to share meal plans and tips to help get the biggest bang for your organic buck. I'll be starting with two recipes this weekend: Savory Pesto Polenta with Fire Roasted Tomatoes and Quinoa with Roasted Butternut Squash (a "Veg with Lisa" creation). My main thoughts on creating these dishes are to take advantage of seasonal produce and pair with compatible "fillers" like organic pastas and grains and mix them into soups, stews, frittatas and casseroles - many of them can easily have the leftovers frozen for another day, increasing their value!
Please stay tuned - I look forward to sharing this book with you in the very near future! If you have any ideas you'd specifically like to see included, please let me know!
To our health,
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Testimonials and Thanksgiving Table Settings and Centerpiece Ideas
I'm most grateful for endorsements, reviews and other types of support from others who have accomplished much in this natural food/health and wellness field. Mike Anderson, author of "Eating", that got me started with this blog project provided a wonderful lead-in to my segment about the Vegan Thanksgiving Menu & Recipes segment.
Also, Ms. Kelly Hayford, author of "If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It!" has been kind enough to share her insights into how we can benefit from plant-based nutrition through organic/Non-GMO foods and has proven quite the inspiration to me during my research for this blog. I will be adding her specific comment details in the "Don't Panic - Go Organic!" section soon.
Other leaders in this field including Dr. Joel Fuhrman http://www.drfuhrman.com/ and Gary Null http://www.garynull.com/about-gary/ have agreed to providing interviews to share with you in this blog format. I am grateful for these and look forward to entering into these conversations with them in the new year.
I would imagine that most of you are looking forward to a lovely Thanksgiving celebration next week - I hope you will find my suggestions for a healthy menu with recipes helpful as well as Mr. Anderson's comments about the traditional dinner to be good "food for thought" as many of us look forward to setting plans in motion to improving our nutritional habits for a healthier future.
Here's an interesting link from our friends at HGTV with great ideas on setting a festive table and creative beautiful centerpieces! HGTV Thanksgiving Table Settings and Centerpieces
To our health,
Also, Ms. Kelly Hayford, author of "If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It!" has been kind enough to share her insights into how we can benefit from plant-based nutrition through organic/Non-GMO foods and has proven quite the inspiration to me during my research for this blog. I will be adding her specific comment details in the "Don't Panic - Go Organic!" section soon.
Other leaders in this field including Dr. Joel Fuhrman http://www.drfuhrman.com/ and Gary Null http://www.garynull.com/about-gary/ have agreed to providing interviews to share with you in this blog format. I am grateful for these and look forward to entering into these conversations with them in the new year.
& & & & & & & & & & &
I would imagine that most of you are looking forward to a lovely Thanksgiving celebration next week - I hope you will find my suggestions for a healthy menu with recipes helpful as well as Mr. Anderson's comments about the traditional dinner to be good "food for thought" as many of us look forward to setting plans in motion to improving our nutritional habits for a healthier future.
Here's an interesting link from our friends at HGTV with great ideas on setting a festive table and creative beautiful centerpieces! HGTV Thanksgiving Table Settings and Centerpieces
To our health,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Salad - It's What's for Dinner!
.....a couple of FRESH ideas for you....
Here's a concept....
Make Salad the Meal!
If you're like me, you grew up on with your mom building meals around the meat du jour -- veggies were typically overcooked, canned or frozen or simple iceberg lettuce with bottled dressing... Starches were typically baked or mashed potato - sometimes white rice and white bread and butter - sound familiar? Please know that I'm not criticizing "Mom" -- she did the best with what she knew in that era. She was greatly influenced by media and food manufacturers looking to influence her meal planning decisions.
What I think is exciting is to see smarter choices coming into spotlight from lots of chefs and everyday cooks who know that they are just... well, smarter! And, guess what? When you get into experimenting and being more open to trying new tastes and textures, looking for produce and grains that contain their whole nutritional values, it's very exciting and satisfying to build meals with this newer philosophy.
Your body will thank you for it with greater energy and vitality!
When you add in the fact that it's been proven that eating closer to the source - staying away from processed foods - those containing GMO's, hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, allergans and other contaminants, one can even expect to prevent and reverse disease - well, it's just awesome, IMHO....
Above is a close up pic of what I created for dinner the other evening - I can't even begin to tell you how very delicious and satisfying it was! I had fun setting up a salad bar for Paul and I so we could build our custom salads with what we like. For example, he wanted to take advantage of two of his last four homegrown, organic tomatoes of the season and likes his organic, "cowgirl ranch" dressing. Mine consisted of organic: baby spinach - petite heirloom lettuce - Spanish onion - mushrooms - black olives (good fat), hard boiled egg, raw sunflower seeds, shaved carrots, halved red grapes (considered a berry, I recently learned...) - red pepper flakes, sea salt & cracked black pepper. I made a quick dressing from organic apple cider vinegar and 2T of Vegenaise - Cholula hot sauce, sprinkling of shaved organic romano and S&P -- I made it dinner plate size and it was so safisfying with a glass of chardonnay!
Neither of us were tempted to hit our fav before-bed snack - "Late July cheddar crackers - organic" -- they are so good, but we are trying to break that habit. We are eating a little earlier than before - closer to 5:30-6pm and just feeling better for it! When I build a salad now, I think of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's talking about his "GOMBS" salads for sticking to the micronutrient ingredients -- "GOMBS" stands for: "greens - onion - mushrooms - beans/berries and seeds/nuts" and usually add a little more...
VERY satisfying year round - no need for anything more!
& & & & & & & & & & &
Speaking of satisfying, check out this great sounding dish by Lisa Murphy - our regular contributor -- Quinoa with Roasted Butternut Squash --
I'm going to try it for our dinner this Thursday -- If you're not familiar with cooking with this super healthy, ancient grain - we highly recommend it. I just recently tried it myself and both Paul and I enjoy it's interesting texture - like little "pearls" that sort of pop in your mouth with a subtle nutty flavor -- really compliments a variety of other foods - whether used in a soup, casserole or a salad -- this dish could be a salad or main dish for lunch or dinner, served warm or room temp. Sounds delicious. Thanks, Lisa!
To our health,
Monday, November 14, 2011
Video Clip - About Dr. Max Gerson's 1920's discovery of how cancer can be healed with food
Happy Monday!
Hope you're on a good track at the beginning of this work week!
Sending a big thanks to Kevin Gianni of "The Renegade Health Show" for sharing his exclusive interview video clip with Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Dr. Max Gerson of The Gerson Institute. In this clip, she shares how her father first discovered how many types of cancer can be cured with food. Ms. Gerson took over his work upon his passing and after 32 years, the institute has an impressive collection of success stories. You can find much more information on-line by Googling "The Gerson Institute" or the "Gerson Therapy"...
On a more personal level, I want to report that "Luna" has weighed in after her first week of her weight loss/fitness challenge. She is feeling a little discouraged that her weight is up 1# and body fat up 1/2%. On top of that, her Wii Fit Plus "coach" calls her unbalanced, in flexible and lacking rhythm! Since she's fallen behind, she now has 2.4# to lose over the next 7 days to reach her 2 week goal... Despite this negative report, she is not deterred. She not only intends to meet this goal, but to exceed it. She skipped 3 days of Wii workouts and could have done better with the walking. However, she has been eating well and her body feels tighter and a little sore all over. She's starting to see improvement in definition in upper arms, so she know that it's working.... She'll report on Monday the 21st to share progress. If you are on a program to achieve healthy weight loss and fitness, Luna wishes you well and invites you to share your story with her here if you'd like...
Hope you're on a good track at the beginning of this work week!
Sending a big thanks to Kevin Gianni of "The Renegade Health Show" for sharing his exclusive interview video clip with Charlotte Gerson, daughter of Dr. Max Gerson of The Gerson Institute. In this clip, she shares how her father first discovered how many types of cancer can be cured with food. Ms. Gerson took over his work upon his passing and after 32 years, the institute has an impressive collection of success stories. You can find much more information on-line by Googling "The Gerson Institute" or the "Gerson Therapy"...
On a more personal level, I want to report that "Luna" has weighed in after her first week of her weight loss/fitness challenge. She is feeling a little discouraged that her weight is up 1# and body fat up 1/2%. On top of that, her Wii Fit Plus "coach" calls her unbalanced, in flexible and lacking rhythm! Since she's fallen behind, she now has 2.4# to lose over the next 7 days to reach her 2 week goal... Despite this negative report, she is not deterred. She not only intends to meet this goal, but to exceed it. She skipped 3 days of Wii workouts and could have done better with the walking. However, she has been eating well and her body feels tighter and a little sore all over. She's starting to see improvement in definition in upper arms, so she know that it's working.... She'll report on Monday the 21st to share progress. If you are on a program to achieve healthy weight loss and fitness, Luna wishes you well and invites you to share your story with her here if you'd like...
Sunday, November 13, 2011
New Content added to "Bless the Beasts & Children" page and below...
Happy Sunday!
I certainly hope that you are enJOYing a lovely day... We have a sunny high in mid-50's here in Denver with crazy wind and snow in the mountains - just perfect and for that, we are grateful... I'm looking forward to a long walk, soaking in the fresh air, sights and sounds and hopefully bringing our Broncos to victory over the Chiefs! ;-)
With this new blog, I've been building content to the pages. Today, I've added some text, article and video clip links to the "Bless the Beasts...." page that I hope you will find informative.
Also, I'd like to share a couple of links from two great research resources I've found -- Ms. Robyn O'Brien and Mike Adams...
This link will share Ms. O'Brien's personal experience that led her to investigate more into the allegans and toxic contaminants found in everyday foods. This brilliant, former food industry analyst, mother of four does a remarkable job of presenting many of the concerns over the current state of our food supply that echoes my own.
Mike Adams is another go-to mentor in my search for answers and more questions to try to get to the bottom of what's going on with our food supply. For many years, there's been a lot of hype and misunderstandings surround high fructose corn syrup. Just the other day, I saw a TV commercial sponsored by the Corn Refiners Association (always good to check sources!) that says, "your body doesn't know the difference between high fructose corn syrup and cane sugar" -- wow...
In addition to the many other factors that Mr. Adams will expertly cover in the following clip, corn syrup comes from CORN and if it's not ORGANIC, it is highly likely to have come from genetically modified (GM) corn which means it was grown from seeds infused with Round-Up resistant chemicals. A good tip when out shopping is to look at the ingredients and if they are not organic, stick with cane sugar. If it just says, "sugar", it likely is from beet sugar that is also likely contaminated. Like Mr. Adams says, if you are eating a healthy diet of micro-nutrient rich foods and don't make a habit of consuming liquid sugars like in sodas, getting a little bit now and then is not going to hurt you at all. But so many Americans consume highly processed foods, fast foods and soft drinks and just get a lot of high fructose corn syrup. I hope you will find this video clip insightful, as I did --
Please know that I am not holding myself as expert here - just one who is trying to understand what's in her food to make informed choices and sharing some material I'm coming across in the hopes that it will be helpful to you and your family as well...
I've a long way to go to even follow my own advice, but babystepping closer all the time and feeling better for it. There's a lot of information on-line, in books, PBS presentations, documentaries, etc. - and the good news is, we've all the tools we need to help ourselves to better health and vitality.
Cheers and smiles,
I certainly hope that you are enJOYing a lovely day... We have a sunny high in mid-50's here in Denver with crazy wind and snow in the mountains - just perfect and for that, we are grateful... I'm looking forward to a long walk, soaking in the fresh air, sights and sounds and hopefully bringing our Broncos to victory over the Chiefs! ;-)
With this new blog, I've been building content to the pages. Today, I've added some text, article and video clip links to the "Bless the Beasts...." page that I hope you will find informative.
Also, I'd like to share a couple of links from two great research resources I've found -- Ms. Robyn O'Brien and Mike Adams...
This link will share Ms. O'Brien's personal experience that led her to investigate more into the allegans and toxic contaminants found in everyday foods. This brilliant, former food industry analyst, mother of four does a remarkable job of presenting many of the concerns over the current state of our food supply that echoes my own.
Mike Adams is another go-to mentor in my search for answers and more questions to try to get to the bottom of what's going on with our food supply. For many years, there's been a lot of hype and misunderstandings surround high fructose corn syrup. Just the other day, I saw a TV commercial sponsored by the Corn Refiners Association (always good to check sources!) that says, "your body doesn't know the difference between high fructose corn syrup and cane sugar" -- wow...
In addition to the many other factors that Mr. Adams will expertly cover in the following clip, corn syrup comes from CORN and if it's not ORGANIC, it is highly likely to have come from genetically modified (GM) corn which means it was grown from seeds infused with Round-Up resistant chemicals. A good tip when out shopping is to look at the ingredients and if they are not organic, stick with cane sugar. If it just says, "sugar", it likely is from beet sugar that is also likely contaminated. Like Mr. Adams says, if you are eating a healthy diet of micro-nutrient rich foods and don't make a habit of consuming liquid sugars like in sodas, getting a little bit now and then is not going to hurt you at all. But so many Americans consume highly processed foods, fast foods and soft drinks and just get a lot of high fructose corn syrup. I hope you will find this video clip insightful, as I did --
Please know that I am not holding myself as expert here - just one who is trying to understand what's in her food to make informed choices and sharing some material I'm coming across in the hopes that it will be helpful to you and your family as well...
I've a long way to go to even follow my own advice, but babystepping closer all the time and feeling better for it. There's a lot of information on-line, in books, PBS presentations, documentaries, etc. - and the good news is, we've all the tools we need to help ourselves to better health and vitality.
Cheers and smiles,
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Are you looking for HEALTHY Thanksgiving ideas?
Whether you're a vegan or vegetarian or merely looking for lighter versions of traditional dishes, I hope you will check out the suggested menu and recipes in the SEASONAL Menu & Recipes page.
I'm thrilled to have Mike Anderson's participation in the column to the right. He's the author of "Eating" DVD that got me started on this latest push to develop this blog. He's done a great deal of research that puts forth compelling evidence that leaning closer to if not all the way into a plant-based nutrition lifestyle can help us lead healthier lives.
Please check back often - it's my goal to add valuable content - sharing tidbits related to natural foods, health and wellness and coming up with innovative ways to prepare delicious, "REAL" meals full of nutritional fabulousness!
Many thanks for stopping by - hope you're enjoying your weekend - it's a windy one here along the plains of Denver - sunny and warm in the 60's and snowing like crazy in the mountains - perfect!
I'm thrilled to have Mike Anderson's participation in the column to the right. He's the author of "Eating" DVD that got me started on this latest push to develop this blog. He's done a great deal of research that puts forth compelling evidence that leaning closer to if not all the way into a plant-based nutrition lifestyle can help us lead healthier lives.
Please check back often - it's my goal to add valuable content - sharing tidbits related to natural foods, health and wellness and coming up with innovative ways to prepare delicious, "REAL" meals full of nutritional fabulousness!
Many thanks for stopping by - hope you're enjoying your weekend - it's a windy one here along the plains of Denver - sunny and warm in the 60's and snowing like crazy in the mountains - perfect!
Friday, November 11, 2011
First Day of Brand New Blog - Welcome!
Today is a most important day for me -- officially announcing the publication of my first blog at 11:11am on 11:11:11 - hoping it will be auspicious for this vehicle to share what I feel is very important information for everyone who eats and looks to live their best life in wellness. This is also Veterans Day and I am grateful for all those who have and do serve our country to keep us safe...
My goal with this blog is to increase awareness. I am not an expert but simply "one who cares and shares". Some people eat to live - some, live to eat. I think I fall somewhere in between. As an only child, raised in 50's-60's in Midwest suburbia, I was served the traditional "meat and potatoes" fare. Mom was a good cook and always had a garden with good food that we would call 'organic' today for it was relatively free from pesticides. They used beer to coax slugs and baking soda to fool aphids but then came along dad, spraying chemicals for the weeds (never did get that but don't think that the connection was made back then....).
I realize that some of the concerns and material contained within this blog might be termed "contrarian" for they rather fly in the face of what many (including myself) grew up with. I'm an unlikely proponent of suggesting that we will be more healthy - in fact even prevent and reverse disease - by following a plant-based diet. Even if we only move closer to that, we will be better off. Again, I grew up when none of my role models were choosing to forego meat. My dad had a connection that allowed us to have steak more often than salads and while there were always the obligatory "sides", every meal - breakfast, lunch and dinner was built around the meat - it was just the way things were - period. Also, since the age of 12 when I came up with the idea to pedal (by bike) flyers to promote my babysitting "business", I've been an entrepreneur.
My parents were both artistic and as an only child, I naturally gravitated to art as a form of self-entertainment and I have always found ways to sell my talents for a few extra bucks. In high school, I made and sold custom purses made from hand-painted/initialed/lined lunch boxes. I believe that the basis for a strong commerce base was founded on entrepreneurs who struck out on their own to make their way - through a hard work ethic, they started businesses and hired workers. This very fabric courses through me today and I am proud to say that I am an artist entrepreneur who is not ashamed to accept compensation in exchange for my fine art photography and writing projects. Having said this, I want to be clear that I will NOT be accepting any compensation from sponsors or advertisers in this blog. The links to books/DVD's and even products come from sources from my research or products that I have personally discovered to make a difference to my health.
My parents were both artistic and as an only child, I naturally gravitated to art as a form of self-entertainment and I have always found ways to sell my talents for a few extra bucks. In high school, I made and sold custom purses made from hand-painted/initialed/lined lunch boxes. I believe that the basis for a strong commerce base was founded on entrepreneurs who struck out on their own to make their way - through a hard work ethic, they started businesses and hired workers. This very fabric courses through me today and I am proud to say that I am an artist entrepreneur who is not ashamed to accept compensation in exchange for my fine art photography and writing projects. Having said this, I want to be clear that I will NOT be accepting any compensation from sponsors or advertisers in this blog. The links to books/DVD's and even products come from sources from my research or products that I have personally discovered to make a difference to my health.
Therefore, when I share that my concerns over the food supply - how its contamination affects our health and that of our children - has required the animals "destined for human consumption" to suffer in factory farms (a/k/a 'confined animal feeding operations - CAFOs") has come from companies out to make a profit, it comes from a place of true caring. To those who would look to these companies who control how our food reaches us - not only the quality but even the long distances it typically travels to reach the market (averaging 1500 miles), further diminishing the nutritional value and see that they are making good business decisions, I would like to ask, where do you draw the line? From a sheer business model standpoint, there's no arguing that the more profit you can make, the better. If that was the only criteria, I say, "go for it!". However, when it's been proven to adversely affect the very health of those who are consuming this food - not immediately evident at the moment of digestion but manifesting over time to potentially grave consequences, contaminating our land and waters and animals and robbing us of the nutrition that Mother Nature intended, it's time to at least raise a flag of awareness.
I find it sad that most of us are clueless what a "GMO" is yet, these "genetically modified organisms" Wikipedia's definition of GMO's are in most every food that isn't organic. One of our basic human rights is the right to have access to real food. I am finding that not only is our "real food" no longer that, but our choices are being guided by food lobby groups like those representing meat, poultry, sugar and dairy industries to keep prices low on the foods that keep the manufacturers rich.
The more foods we Americans consume like the fat/salt/sugar laden fast foods, the more our health deteriorates. The more our health deteriorates, the more we are inclined to go to doctors who have been trained to treat our symptoms and not the causes. The average medical student receives 2-4 hours of nutrition classes in their 4 years of med school. They are trained to write prescriptions and advise surgery. I'll be sharing more evidence within the pages of this blog about the statistics on the numbers of hospitalizations caused by food-based diseases and how many surgeries could be prevented if the patients had followed a diet consisting of unprocessed food. Also, I'll be sharing how our children are especially adversely affected - how they are getting diseases typically reserved for adults. How they have had to change the name of "adult onset diabetes" to Type 2 diabetes because children are now getting it. This is the first generation likely to have a longer lifespan than our children. It is sad and it must be reversed. The good news is: we have the tools to do so.
The more foods we Americans consume like the fat/salt/sugar laden fast foods, the more our health deteriorates. The more our health deteriorates, the more we are inclined to go to doctors who have been trained to treat our symptoms and not the causes. The average medical student receives 2-4 hours of nutrition classes in their 4 years of med school. They are trained to write prescriptions and advise surgery. I'll be sharing more evidence within the pages of this blog about the statistics on the numbers of hospitalizations caused by food-based diseases and how many surgeries could be prevented if the patients had followed a diet consisting of unprocessed food. Also, I'll be sharing how our children are especially adversely affected - how they are getting diseases typically reserved for adults. How they have had to change the name of "adult onset diabetes" to Type 2 diabetes because children are now getting it. This is the first generation likely to have a longer lifespan than our children. It is sad and it must be reversed. The good news is: we have the tools to do so.
"The more Americans continue to eat the same American diet,
the more they will continue to get the same diseases."
---Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of "Eat to Live"
Again, I am not an expert - am learning as I'm going and have a lot of notes and more information to share within these pages that I've just started to fill. I hope you will find it interesting if not helpful - eye-opening and empowering. I hope that you will feel compelled to launch your own path to discovery to enhance your good health. If you are dealing with health adversities, I hope you will be open to considering a natural path to wellness as your first course. Please know that I am most certainly not suggesting that there is not a time and place for traditional medicine and health practitioners. There have been many advancements and they offer a great service, especially in the area of emergency medicine. I am merely sharing that I am discovering that there have been many proven cases where diseases have been reversed and prevented through lifestyle and nutrition adjustments. When one isn't dealing with an emergency situation, I think it just makes good sense to consider natural remedies first.
I've come to learn that we have marvelous mechanisms to self-heal. We are made of natural parts and to me, it doesn't make sense to look to foreign substances to fix what ails us or to keep us from getting sick in the first place. I like the idea that we can live in a world where we can easily get real food - uncontaminated with foreign substances such as pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and other chemicals. At least, we should be able to know what's inside the cans, boxes, jars and even inside the food itself and even in the soil and seeds from which it originates.
If so, perhaps I will have saved some research time for you, sent you on your own journey of self-discovery. At the very least, my hope is to raise awareness in the areas of gaining better health through natural (un-fooled around with - no genetically modified ingredients, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, etc...) foods. Topics will also venture into green-living; grateful aging; special interest for kids; animal welfare issues, etc....
This will always be growing, expanding and hopefully improving. Hopefully, you'll feel comfortable sharing related, respectful comments and questions -- check out the "Ask Luna" section and we will learn together. I welcome suggestions for improvement.
I'm grateful for the contributions of so many others who hold similar views - medical researchers like Mike Anderson, author of "Eating" - the DVD that started this pursuit of the truth in the field of natural health and wellness. He was kind enough to offer a wonderful introduction to my segment about the vegan Thanksgiving menu and recipes. I have met and will continue to meet many others who have influenced me and educated me - you will find mention of their work and links to more information within this blog.
Please plan to check back often for I am continuing to build content. I plan to share tips on how we can help glide through the upcoming holiday season into the start of a new, healthier year without falling victim to all the unhealthy sweet and savory food temptations that make it easy for us to overeat. I've found some great ideas on how to lower stress and keep our immune systems stable so we don't easily fall victim to colds and flu this season so please stay tuned!
I appreciate your time and consideration....
To our health,
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Meet our blog's logo artist, Jerry Stuart...
It is my honor and privilege to introduce you to a dear friend and amazing artist, Mr. Jerry Stuart. I'm delighted to feature his work in our logo for this blog, the "apple" - perfect symbol to represent all I hope to share in this "Natural Wellness" format...
Here's more information about his great work:
Jerry’s original fine art painting ranges from photo realism to abstract oils. He works with watercolors, oils and pastels. He is also an accomplished illustrator and is currently working on a children’s book about the History Of Christmas. He works on a commission basis as well as preparing for summer art festivals where his work is on display. He has created commissioned works for Hotels, Restaurants and professional environments.
Original Oil - One World Original Oil - Peace
You can see the paintings and more at the Redding, Ca. library on the second floor until January 12 2012 and at the Mt. Shasta Mall in Redding this Saturday, November 5, 2011.
With over 28 years of interior decorative painting experience, Jerry’s specialties include faux finishes, stenciling, marbling, rolling, stripes, spraying, murals, wood graining and more. He mixes many different elements to come up with a finish that works best for you. He also will help with your project as a color consultant. Jerry will help bring your vision into focus and if you do not have a vision for your project he can help you create one. Some of the works he has done are to raise money for
Children’s Hospital
Denver, Colorado
Junior Symphony Guild
Denver, Colorado
Churches from Colorado to California
Murals are a personal expression of who you are. They are created to enhance your lifestyle and your life experience. They can also be used to create an atmosphere. Jerry has created murals for Wine Cellars, Taverns, Aquatic Environments, Spas, Restaurants and Residential. He is happy to consult with
you on your vision and help to make your vision a reality.
Jerry invites you to contact him:
by e-mail - jerry_stuart@hotmail.com
or phone - 530-859-5428
and to visit Jerry Stuart's website, where you will see many images of his work.
Here's more information about his great work:
Jerry’s original fine art painting ranges from photo realism to abstract oils. He works with watercolors, oils and pastels. He is also an accomplished illustrator and is currently working on a children’s book about the History Of Christmas. He works on a commission basis as well as preparing for summer art festivals where his work is on display. He has created commissioned works for Hotels, Restaurants and professional environments.
Original Oil - One World Original Oil - Peace
You can see the paintings and more at the Redding, Ca. library on the second floor until January 12 2012 and at the Mt. Shasta Mall in Redding this Saturday, November 5, 2011.
With over 28 years of interior decorative painting experience, Jerry’s specialties include faux finishes, stenciling, marbling, rolling, stripes, spraying, murals, wood graining and more. He mixes many different elements to come up with a finish that works best for you. He also will help with your project as a color consultant. Jerry will help bring your vision into focus and if you do not have a vision for your project he can help you create one. Some of the works he has done are to raise money for
Children’s Hospital
Denver, Colorado
Junior Symphony Guild
Denver, Colorado
Churches from Colorado to California
Murals are a personal expression of who you are. They are created to enhance your lifestyle and your life experience. They can also be used to create an atmosphere. Jerry has created murals for Wine Cellars, Taverns, Aquatic Environments, Spas, Restaurants and Residential. He is happy to consult with
you on your vision and help to make your vision a reality.
Jerry invites you to contact him:
by e-mail - jerry_stuart@hotmail.com
or phone - 530-859-5428
and to visit Jerry Stuart's website, where you will see many images of his work.
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