Artist Statement for Christine Zipps

Artist’s Statement – Christine S. Zipps

Not only is Christine an award-winning fine photographer and writer, but also a humanitarian, activist and environmentalist.  She cannot abide bullies in any form and humbly carries the “banner of the underserved” whether they be two- or four-legged.  She gives back to her local and state community through projects such as her photo book in process to benefit Denver and Colorado animal rights/welfare non-profits and by donating 10% of her fine art sales to local food bank, Denver A.C.T.S. Resource Center.  Her art has been described as “Paintographs” – where “Monet meets Warhol” – full of life and distinctive. 

She has exhibited in solo and group, juried shows and received many distinctions including 3rd place award by John Fielder  (nationally renowned nature photographer, publisher, teacher, and preservationist) in the prestigious for her image, “Shukuru” at the  “Visions of Light” Show in February 2011.

She describes her creative work as follows….

T here is simply no way that I cannot make art. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to vibrant color, unique yet symmetrical form and bold texture – especially where those elements are found in nature. Perceptive to the calling of all senses, I look to capture that beauty whether it’s a square inch of a forest floor or a billowing expanse of cloud; a glint in a cat’s eye or bold architectural element.
P hotography is my medium; the camera my tool of choice. I see my role as an expressionist – one who brings back the experience to share with others. My images are bold, vibrant, alive, and vulnerable -- honest. I hope that your experience with them will bring joy, excitement, peace or at the very least, a feeling that your time spent with them was worthwhile.
M y art brings me great joy. It is a major part of who and what I am. In sharing my art, I share myself. I am deeply honored and humbled by your allowing me the ultimate privilege of doing so today.
Christine welcomes visits to her secure on-line shopping cart – as well as invites interested folks to make a convenient appointment to visit her in-home gallery to see her work in person.  Please send messages to:

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