News From Washington D.C.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) from Ohio has introduced a bill (HR3553) in Congress that would give us the right to know whether or not there are genetically engineered ingredients in our food. Please ask your Congressional Representative to cosponsor the Kucinich bill.
Click here to take action - Write your Congressman TODAY
You can click above to easily send a letter to your representative to ask him/her to co-sponsor this important bill to help President Obama fulfill his 2007 campaign promise. He would be able to accomplish what previous administration's (Bush - Clinton - Bush) weren't able to achieve.
We deserve to join many other nations (who have banned GMO crops and products from being grown, imported or stocked on store shelves) and to know what is in our food! This should not be a right we have to fight for, but since FDA has refused to allow labels on GMO products, we need to vote with our vote and our grocery shopping dollar!
More info and videos here --
Tell the FDA - GMO Foods ARE Different!
BTW, Congrssman Kucinich is a strong advocate for consumer and environmental causes. He is a vegan - a member of the "Power Vegans" along with many other socio-politico celebrities as well. Follows is an excerpt from "The Rise of the Power Vegans" by Joel Stein
"Being a vegan then (a decade ago) was so weird that pundits listed it as a reason Dennis Kucinich couldn't be the Democratic Presidential nominee. "People weren't sure if it was another political party or an ethnic group they'd never heard of," Kucinich says. While the Ohio representative failed to win the Democratic nomination in 2004—and in 2008—Kucinich's diet has become so accepted that he was able to persuade Representative Robert A. Brady (D-Pa.), the head of the Committee on House Administration, to include vegan options in the congressional cafeteria. When Bill Clinton announced his dietary epiphany—"I got back to basically what I weighed in high school," he told Wolf Blitzer this September—Kucinich decided to finally finish his own diet book, whose working title, The Cleveland Diet, will probably be changed by its publisher. Kucinich, however, did not go vegan for power, but rather for love. Fifteen years ago, he says, "I met someone who was vegan when I went to the state senate. This was someone I was very fond of. This was kind of a courtship strategy."
I hope you found this information helpful and interesting.
I hope you will also make a moment to let your representative know that you are one of the 93% of US consumers who want to have their GMO foods labeled. The choice is yours, of course.
After's all up to you!
To our health,
Thanks for posting this, Christine. -- GMO's are such a HUGE problem, yet few people know anything about them. -- 'The Future of Food' is a great documentary to watch to get a quick, convenient, entertaining understanding of GMO's and the devastation they are causing. -- Here is official site: -- and you can watch it online for free here:
I appreciate your making that great point about "The Future of Food" - it is a wonderful source of information on this important topic.
I share your amazement that so few folks seem to really know what GMO's are all about and why it's important to understand them. Although the FDA sure doesn't make it easy to identify them, do they?
I'd like to share another tool that's handy - there's even a smart phone app so you can refer to it while in the marketplace - the Non-GMO Shopping Guide - here's link to that and more info on this topic --
Wow, this is quite eye-opening! It’s alarming to learn about the unhealthy ingredients in processed foods like chicken nuggets. As someone following a vegan lifestyle india, I’m grateful for the growing awareness around plant-based alternatives that are both healthy and delicious. If you’re interested in exploring tasty and wholesome vegan recipes, check out my website The Earthen One!
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