Healthy Weight Loss and Fitness Tips

Scroll down for Luna's Challenge! 
There's lots of sound advice out there to help ourselves to healthier nutrition but, IMHO, Dr. Joel Fuhrman ranks among the top 5 advisors....  I learned so much from his PBS presentations, on-line video clips and perrusing his websites. 

An easy tip to remember is.... 

"Make Salad the Meal"

Dr. Fuhrman gives us another one, to remember putting a combination of top micronutrients into the same bowl and the results are quick, easy to remember, satisfying and super healthy -- the "GOMBS" salad -

I was so impressed with this one, I created a visual, above...  To go with these salads, my favorite, ingredients-always-in-pantry-go-to dressing consists of 1/2C organic, unpasteurized, apple cider vinegar with 2T "Vegenaise", white worchestershire, dash of "Cholula" and hot sauce -- that will easily lightly dress about 6 salads.... 

and follows is a link for more info -

Dr. Fuhrman's article about the GOMBBS salad benefits

Side note to Dr. F:  I apologize for skimping on the "B's" in the title - I doubled the use, combining berries with beans....  ;-)

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Luna's Weight Loss & Fitness Challenge!

Starting November 7 2011 -- Ending February 7, 2012

General health profileMidwest raised in "meat/potatos family -- Vegetarian (no red meat) for 38 years, gave up chicken/turkey 13 yrs ago; fish/seafood/milk/butter 3 yrs ago.  Eats occasional organic egg/cheese.  Now, focuses on mostly organic vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts...  Fanatical about bypassing GMO's in food.   On no prescription medications; takes organic sulfur crystals and Vitamin D and daily fruit/veg smoothie.  1-2 gl. wine -
6-8 gl spring water/day.  Never smoked.  Cholesterol and BP excellent - bone density of 20 yr old.
Exercise plan:  Daily Wii Fit Plus workouts with additional yoga poses for tummy flattening.  Weather permitting, adds brisk walks - in warmer weather, enjoys hiking & biking.
Weight loss goal:  A toned 138 pounds by 2-7-12

Check out another great source - Dr. Daniel Amen's, "The Amen Solution" --